How to erase wrinkles under the eyes naturally? 5 foolproof tips

To combat fine lines and wrinkles under the eyes, it is possible to treat mature skin naturally. Five foolproof tips can both slow down and reduce these signs of time passing before your eyes. Thanks to them, you will gain firmness without using cosmetics.
Benefiting from anti-aging properties is accessible without using a day cream with a tightening effect. These formidable tips are spot treatments for the signs of aging under the eyes. Thanks to them, you will gain tone and regain a youthful look.

What are the causes of the appearance of wrinkles?
Whatever the skin type, elastin, responsible for the firmness of the skin along with collagen, can decline due to the natural process of aging. This phenomenon can also impact the lower eyelid but also deepen crow’s feet wrinkles. Daily external aggressions such as the sun or pollution but also lack of hydration can be responsible for the appearance of deep wrinkles. These are the consequence of a change in the internal structure of the skin. They may be linked to skin aging which causes greater fragility of the skin due to the loss of collagen and hyaluronic acid, which guarantee the elasticity of the dermis. Permanent contraction of muscles can lead to the appearance of what we call expression lines. Among them: frown lines, crow’s feet but also wrinkles under the eyes. These furrows can become permanent. However, the effects of time can be reduced with natural ingredients with firming power.

1- Aloe vera is ideal for reducing wrinkles around the eyes
Thanks to these therapeutic virtues, study proves that topical application of aloe vera pulp can significantly reduce wrinkles and increase the level of collagen and hydration of the skin. To benefit from it, take the flesh of an aloe branch and apply it to the eye area and wait 15 minutes. All that’s left to do is rinse.

Aloe vera – source: spm

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