Don’t ignore this weed if you see it. Here’s 8 reasons why

Broadleaf plantain contains aucubin, a powerful anti-microbial. This is yet another reason why you’ll want to keep a DIY plantain salve on hand to disinfect cuts and scrapes. You can also use the salve to spot treat acne.
6. Anti-toxins
You’ll be delighted to learn that broadleaf plantain naturally draws out toxins from bee stings and insect bites. It’s also an effective defense against poison oak, ivy, and sumac. Apply crushed leaves directly to the affected site as soon as possible.
7. Anti-inflammatory
Inflammatory conditions like eczema and psoriasis will get the boot when treated with broadleaf plantain. To treat external inflammation, brew a strong cup of broadleaf plantain tea. Let it cool and then pour into a spray bottle. Spritz the affected area for quick relief.
8. Digestive aid
If you suffer from heartburn, indigestion or irritable bowl syndrome, try a cup of plantain tea after meals.
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