cream cheese – this has to be fully softened to room temperature or it will not end up smooth. You’ll have lumps you’ll never be able to mix out. I usually just let it sit out on the counter the night before I make it.
frozen whipped topping (Cool Whip) – if you’ve never purchased whipped topping before, it is in the frozen dessert section. You need to make sure it is thawed before using so just put it in your fridge overnight before using.
fruit cocktail in juice – don’t purchase the kind that is in syrup. You want to look for 100% juice. Also, make sure you drain these very, very well. Any extra juice will keep this dessert from properly setting up.
maraschino cherries – most fruit cocktail already has maraschino cherries in it but I like the additional pop of color this brings by adding a bit more.
mini marshmallows – you can get the colorful mini marshmallows if you prefer

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