Garlic, Grated Ginger, Onion, Lemon Juice, and Honey: Just one teaspoon taken every day will leave you in awe

Having to deal with flu-related phlegm and chest congestion can be uncomfortable. Why not try some natural cures that can help you feel better instead of depending only on over-the-counter medications? We have some ideas that might work wonders if you’re willing to try something different. Suggested Use: Three to four cups of this natural remedy should be used daily to help relieve coughing and congestion. On the other hand, if your symptoms are less severe, drinking just one cup on an empty stomach might help with your mucus problems.

An Efficacious Home Cure for Flu and Colds


  • Fresh garlic, chopped or crushed
  • Fresh onion, finely chopped
  • Fresh ginger root, grated
  • Fresh horseradish, grated
  • Fresh cayenne peppers (including seeds), sliced or chopped

Procedure and Use:

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