Here’s Why Mosquitos Bite Some People More Than Others

At home, I keep my environment less inviting to mosquitos by eliminating standing water where they breed, using window screens, and sometimes running a fan to disrupt their flying patterns.

And what if you do get bitten? Over the years, I’ve found that topical antihistamines or hydrocortisone cream can reduce itching and swelling. Home remedies like applying a cold compress or aloe vera can also provide relief.

While I can’t change my blood type or genetics, understanding why I’m a mosquito favorite and taking proactive steps has definitely made my summers more bearable. So, if you’re like me and find yourself a target for these summer spoilers, take heart. There are ways to fight back and reclaim the joy of the season. After all, we summer folks have sunshine to bask in and waves to jump into—let’s not let the mosquitos ruin our fun!

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