Homemade buttercream recipe

Overwhelmed, he asked his apprentice to incorporate butter into the béchamel. Stunned, the latter added it to the custard… He whisked it up, let it cool and, against all odds, the magic worked!
To make this buttercream recipe, start by preparing all the ingredients (a scale may be necessary for weighing).
Pour the powdered sugar into a stainless steel saucepan.
Add water. The amount of water is the amount needed to moisten the sugar. It is not necessary to put too much.
Bring to the boil and cook to 121°C. The use of a probe thermometer is useful but not essential. (To check the cooking of the sugar, simply dip the tines of a fork into the boiling sugar. If, when removing it, strings begin to form, the sugar is ready).
Clarify the eggs using an egg separator. Place the yolks in the mixer bowl.
As soon as the sugar is cooked, slowly pour it over the egg yolks, letting it run down the inside wall of the bowl.
Make sure the egg yolks are at room temperature. As soon as the sugar is fully incorporated into the egg yolks, beat until completely cooled at high speed.

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