Homemade Mascarpone. You’ll think twice before buying in store

  1. Pour the cream into a saucepan and heat over medium heat, stirring frequently, until boiling (85 degrees Celsius).
  2. Add the lemon juice and continue stirring until the cream thickens.
  3. In a fine mesh strainer set over a bowl, place the slightly damp cheesecloth in 4 layers.
  4. Pour the thickened cream into the cheesecloth-lined sieve and leave it at room temperature until it cools completely. Do not press or squeeze the cream!
  5. Once the cream has reached room temperature, cover the sieve with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 10 to 12 hours.
  6. Homemade mascarpone can be stored in the refrigerator and used within a week.
  7. Now you can make tiramisu with homemade mascarpone and a multitude of other delicious desserts!


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