my aunt taught me this trick to get rid of stains from clothes in just 15 minutes with 0 effort

Function: Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing agent that helps break down the chemical structure of stains, especially those caused by organic compounds like blood, wine, or food. It has a bleaching effect, which helps to lift color-based stains from fabrics without being as harsh as chlorine bleach.

3. Baking Soda
Function: Baking soda is mildly abrasive and can help scrub away the loosened stain particles. Additionally, it acts as a deodorizer, neutralizing odors that might be trapped in the fabric. Baking soda also slightly increases the pH of the mixture, enhancing the stain-fighting power of the other ingredients.
And that’s it! With just these few simple steps, you’ll find that those stubborn stains have vanished, leaving your clothes looking as pristine as ever. This trick is not only time-saving but also incredibly effective, giving you peace of mind and spotless garments with minimal effort. Try it out, and you’ll be amazed at the results!
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