One clove in the plants and you won’t believe it: the results are immediate

Prepare the fertilizer with the fertilizer in powder  for the far crescendo in the salute of the plant and carefully , based on the water. Ecco comes procedure:

  • Metti 1 liter of water in a container;
  • Aggiungi a cucchiaino di aglio in polvere;
  • Mescola per 3 minutes fino a farlo sciogliere bene;
  • This is the point of meeting the solution in the vaso.

Le piante does not attack the lumache, is responsible for the fogging, and potranno quindi crescere rigogliose. This is an excellent natural solution that can be used to make the light aggrediscano of the tree. You can use the  compost according to the quality of the fish .

Inoltre, you can also transfer the solution  in a bottle of spray  and vaporizarla sulle Piante, dosando the quantity in each picture.

Come vedi, this natural method is in the grade of  assicurare excellent results  and guarantee of beautiful results and a rigorous focus. Inoltre, the piante resisteranno meglio attacchi degli infestanti e anotherche al freddo.


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