Pay attention to this date from now on. It’s not an ordinary expiration date. After working for years and years in grocery stores, I see that most people just randomly buy eggs without really noticing this detail

Another important factor that has to do with these codes is how to handle the eggs for freshness. Eggs are safe for consumption up to 30 days from the date they were packed provided they are stored correctly. The Julian date assists you with this.I have gotten into the routine of checking the Julian date as soon as I get home from the store. It is like a small ceremony. I write down the date, make a simple mathematical calculation, and remember when to use them up. It is a very simple measure that helps me always have only fresh eggs which has a huge impact on the taste of the dish.Quality and Safety: Not Just DatesAlthough the Julian date and plant code are crucial, there is more to it for you to be sure of getting the best eggs. You can also look for other marks on the carton, such as the USDA grade shield and the words “pastured” or “organic” if that is what you are looking for.Another advantage of eggs with the USDA grade shield is that they have been inspected for quality and conform to certain standards. Grade AA eggs are the best quality eggs with thick egg whites and firm yolk which is suitable for frying or poaching. Grade A eggs are only slightly less firm than Grade AA but are still great for cooking and baking.

Organic and Pastured EggsIf you like eggs from free-range chickens, you may want to look for terms such as ‘organic’ or ‘pastured. ’ Organic eggs come from chickens that eat organic feed and are not given antibiotics. Cage-free eggs are laid by chickens that are allowed to graze and feed on real food, which makes the eggs more delicious.Let me tell you how all this knowledge came together for me. One Saturday morning I decided to make an omelet. I extended my hand for the carton of eggs, looked at the Julian date printed on it, and felt reassured – these eggs were packed just a week ago. They were fresh and perfect. I cracked a couple into a bowl; their yolks were orange and dense, indicating freshness.I then incorporated some milk, salt, and freshly ground pepper into the mixture while whisking it.

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