Place banana peels in a bottle and watch what happens

A straightforward application and pressure on the injured area has a naturally calming effect and speeds up the healing process. The peel, which is high in vital minerals, is frequently added to face and hair masks. For every requirement, a natural dosage of this organic waste.

Banana peels: the sophisticated way As previously stated, this organic waste is undoubtedly a multipurpose bundle. The lotion can also be used as a bug and mosquito repellent in the spring and summer.

The handmade approach is undoubtedly fascinating and quite simple to set up. The following are the ingredients: One banana peel, two liters of water, 200 milliliters of wine vinegar (or apple cider vinegar), 200 grams of sugar, and 400 milliliters of water.

Proceed to cut the plastic bottle in half using a cutter or pair of scissors. Children shouldn’t attempt this delicate procedure, and in any event, it should be done with extreme caution. In a bowl, combine the vinegar and water; stir in the sugar and mix until well blended. After filling half of the plastic bottle with the liquid, finish by adding the banana peel. In addition to being drawn to the mixture’s sugar content, flies and mosquitoes dislike the smell. A natural bug repellent that will keep unwelcome visitors out of your house and keep insects at bay. The process can be repeated once every two days by placing the jar in any part of the house.

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