Unbelievable No-Cream, No-Cream-Cheese Dessert Ready in 15 Minutes!

Prepare the Base:
In a saucepan, combine the sugar, cocoa powder, milk, and butter. Heat over medium heat, stirring until the butter is melted and the mixture is smooth.
Break the cookies into small pieces and place them in a large bowl. Pour the chocolate mixture over the cookies and mix until well coated.

Press the cookie mixture into the bottom of a lined baking dish to form an even layer. Set aside.

Make the Chocolate Cream:
In a saucepan, whisk together the egg yolks, milk, corn starch, and sugar. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens.
Remove from heat and add the dark chocolate, stirring until it is fully melted and incorporated. Then, stir in the butter until smooth and glossy.
Pour the chocolate cream over the cookie base, spreading it evenly with a spatula.
Add the Topping:
Sprinkle the chopped walnuts and grated dark chocolate over the top of the chocolate cream.
Set the Dessert:
Place the dessert in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes to set before serving.
Cooking Tips
Use high-quality dark chocolate for a richer flavor.

If you prefer a firmer base, chill the cookie mixture for 10 minutes before adding the chocolate cream.
For added texture, consider mixing in some crushed nuts with the cookie base.
Nutritional Benefits
This dessert provides a good balance of carbohydrates and fats. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, while walnuts add a boost of healthy fats and protein. Using milk instead of cream or cream cheese helps to reduce the overall fat content without sacrificing creaminess.

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