“Unusual Uses for Aluminum Foil: Protecting Clothes in the Washing Machine and More!”

In addition to these tips, here are some additional suggestions for taking care of your laundry and extending the lifespan of your clothes:

Preserving original colors:
– For white fabrics, protect them from light to prevent yellowing by storing them in dark boxes or opaque drawers away from direct light.
– To revitalize colored clothes, add white vinegar to the last rinse water or use it as a fabric softener.
– When washing black fabrics, turn them inside out and wash them together. Add white vinegar to the rinse water to set the color, and avoid ironing them on the right side to prevent shine. To restore their intense black color, soak them in cold spinach cooking water (without spinach) before washing.

Respecting garment shapes:
– Before the first wash, soak cotton T-shirts in a basin of cold water with coarse salt.
– Hand wash wool sweaters in lukewarm water with Marseille soap flakes. Gently bathe them without rubbing or wringing, rinse thoroughly, and finish with a diluted white vinegar rinse. Dry wool sweaters flat between two terry towels.
– If a garment has shrunk, relax the fibers by submerging it in a solution of cold water and glycerin (or conditioner). Gently stretch the sleeves and edges until the garment returns to its original size. Wring it out in a terry towel and dry it flat, regularly stretching it.

Fixing colors and removing imperfections:
– To prevent color bleeding, wash clothes in cold water with vinegar and liquid Marseille soap.
– Sort clothes by color and choose the appropriate washing program. Treat stains with soda crystals or a paste of baking soda and water before rinsing.

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