Walnut and Chocolate Truffles

Heat the condensed milk over very low heat with 100 grams of shredded coconut.

Remove the mixture from the heat when the condensed milk becomes liquid. Let it cool, then cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

Take the mixture out of the refrigerator and use your hands to form small walnut-sized balls, then return them to the refrigerator.

Meanwhile, prepare the coating by chopping the chocolate into small pieces and melting it in a double boiler.

Dip the milk truffles into the melted chocolate.

Before the chocolate coating hardens, sprinkle the truffles with shredded coconut and let them cool.


These truffles make a delightful treat for any occasion and can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.

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