🔹1 can of condensed milk
🔹1 caixinha of milk cream
🔹200ml of wholemeal milk
🔹1 colher of butter without salt
🔹3 colheres (soup) of sugar
🔹1 xícara (chá) of chocolate em pó 50%
🔹3 eggs
1°- Place the liquidizer, or cream of milk, or condensed milk, or milk, the eggs, or sugar, butter and or chocolate em po.
2°- Beat everything for about 2 minutes or until the mixture is homogeneous.
3°- Clear this mixture in a shape smeared with margarine;
Cover the form with aluminum foil and lightly to roast in a preheated oven, 180ºC, in a water bath (with hot water) for about 1 hour and 20 minutes;
4°- Remove from the oven, wait to cool completely, light for geladeira and leave for 2 hours
Serve immediately with a Delicious Chocolate Calda or Decorate with Granules