Delicious Homemade Classic Potato Pancakes Recipe

4 large potatoes

1 medium onion
2 eggs
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp sea salt, or to taste
1/4 tsp pepper, or to taste
2 tbsp vegetable oil for frying
Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Prep the Potatoes and Onions
Peel and dice the potatoes and onion. You can either use a food processor or a grater for this step.
If using a food processor, place the diced potatoes and onion in the processor and process for approximately 2 minutes until the mixture resembles shredded potatoes, ensuring there are no large lumps.
If using a grater, grate the peeled potatoes and onions manually.
2. Remove Excess Liquid
Once the potatoes and onions are shredded or grated, place the mixture in a fine sieve or tea towel.
Squeeze out as much liquid as possible from the potato mixture into a mixing bowl. You’ll notice a white powder at the bottom of the bowl – that’s the precious potato starch that will give our pancakes their perfect texture. Be sure to save it!
3. Combine Ingredients
Transfer the squeezed potato mixture back into the mixing bowl.
Add the eggs, flour, sea salt, and pepper to the bowl.
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